Scholarship Prep teacher greets student with a high five.
CCSA Highlights Scholarship Prep for Service to Students Experiencing Homelessness
August 17, 2023

Scholarship Prep Orange County has been highlighted by California Charter Schools Association (CCSA) as one of five charter public schools serving youth experiencing homelessness with excellence. According to the latest research brief by CCSA, Homeless Youth in California Charter Public Schools 2023, 2% of charter public school students, over 14,700 students, are experiencing homelessness. 

In the 2022-2023 academic year, 20% of Scholarship Prep’s Orange County student body was experiencing homelessness. Our unwavering commitment to serving the underserved provided the wraparound support and services needed to see these students and their families succeed. These include free dress code items, food and toiletry products in every classroom, laundry services, summer programs, family education courses, and more!

Our staff, who receive training in trauma-informed best practices, start the day with our signature Community Meeting program. This program benefits students experiencing homelessness by providing a consistent,  welcoming environment with trusted adults and peers, explicit opportunities to learn and practice coping skills, and identifying and providing for basic needs.

By providing free services and guidance to children and connecting their family members to resources, we are closing the achievement gap and Creating Community Change! This is all thanks to the dedication of our Student Services team and our community partners, including Project Hope Alliance, Latino Health Access, and Serve the People.

Read the CCSA Research Brief: Homeless Youth in California Charter Public Schools 2023