Scholarship Prep teacher greets student with a high five.
Empowering Educators: Scholarship Prep Makes an Impact at CSDC Conference
November 9, 2023

The Scholarship Prep team attended and participated in this year’s highly anticipated Charter School Development Center (CSDC) Conference, where we found inspiration and made a meaningful impact. Whether leading a workshop, participating on a panel, or attending a session, CSDC 2023 provides valuable opportunities to collaborate with like-minded educators and create equitable and high-quality educational experiences for all students.

Wednesday afternoon, Scholarship Prep’s Dennise Allotey (Principal on Assignment), Allison Vann (SP South Bay Principal), and Efren Castillo (SP South Bay School Counselor) hosted a well-attended workshop to showcase how they “Lead with Love” to support their students’ mental health needs. During the workshop, the team shared how Scholarship Prep’s Community Meeting toolkit provides preventative support for all students.

Attendees were particularly interested in the daily check-ins, weekly universal screenings, and preventative and reactive supports like counseling and psychologist sessions. After the workshop, participants had the opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with the team, who provided further insights on implementing the Community Meeting framework for their students.

A few meeting halls away, Andrew Crowe, the Deputy Director of Scholarship Prep, participated in a panel discussion hosted by Procopio. He shared his experience as a school leader and provided insights on how schools can meet federal requirements for Title IX compliance.

To close out the conference, Scholarship Prep’s Executive Director Jason Watts joins Charter Impact, Intellectual Virtues Academy, and Banc of California representatives to host a panel discussing strategies and best practices for stewarding charter school finances well in today’s economic climate. Mr. Watts looks forward to providing valuable insights to school leaders looking to manage their cash flow effectively and in compliance while providing a top-level academic program.

Scholarship Prep is honored to be asked to host workshops and attend panels at this year’s CSDC conference. Each time, the experience leaves our team feeling inspired and motivated to keep working towards fulfilling our mission to help students Reach Higher and Dream Bigger!