
News and Events

How Scholarship Prep is Excelling in Student Support with CCSPP Funding: A Case Study by CDE
How Scholarship Prep is Excelling in Student Support with CCSPP Funding: A Case Study by CDE

In 2020, Scholarship Prep Orange County in Santa Ana was selected as one of 20 schools or districts in the state to receive the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funded California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP) grant. As the only charter school fund recipient, we were thrilled to be selected to participate in a California Department of Education (CDE) case study to share how we have stewarded these funds.

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Scholarship Prep Leads with Love at CCSA Conference
Scholarship Prep Leads with Love at CCSA Conference

Throughout the year, we’re honored to share at conferences state-wide how our trauma-informed teaching, community partnerships, and wraparound services are making a difference in the lives of students and families. Most recently, our team traveled to California Charter School Association’s annual conference in Sacramento, where we presented on topics and were inspired by like-minded educators.

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